Sunday 15 January 2012

Elderberry - Bottle B6, 14th January 2012 (sort of)

We went to Lambert's for a meal last night and took this bottle with us. Usually when I take my wine for a dinner party I expect to see it drunk then and there with guests and hosts making statements about what a taste sensation it has been. This bottle, however, sat in Lambert's kitchen remaining resolutely unopened. In its place, though, we had a fabulous Italian red and a shot each of Greek vodka, so I can't complain.

Lambert had mad a huge (and successful) effort with his cooking. We had a large starter of lentils, parsnips and cream cheese, which on paper sounds odd but was not, followed by hare and sprouts. I have never eaten hare before and enjoyed it. Unsurprisingly it is rather similar to rabbit. The sprouts could have been a disaster - Claire's least favourite foodstuff, even worse than marzipan. But having tried one out of politeness, she ate four more and said she liked them. Blimey.

1 comment:

  1. I was reading a book by a couple of folks on your side of the pond,Self Sufficiency for the 21st Century by Dick & James Strawbridge. Inside I found a recipe for parsnip soup and parsnip wine.
    I'm not a big fan of sprouts with. Always too bitter for me. Perhaps if they were prepared differently.
