Tuesday 3 January 2012

Citrus Wine - Bottle A5, 31st December 2011 - 2nd January 2012

For the first time since making this wine, grapefruit does not entirely dominate its flavour. I could cut down on it further, but in this batch the limes are just as prominent. It is a wine that I enjoy - intense, tangy - but one that I can understand other people not liking. It went nicely with our New Year's Eve meal of cream of lemon soup and fish pie.

New Year's Eve was the quietest that I have had for two decades. We cancelled David and Amie visiting from Chester because of Claire's heavy cold and did not even manage to finish this bottle - though two large glasses of elderflower wine during its bottling process may explain that. Still, we left a couple of glasses each tonight, whilst I try not to worry about tomorrow's new job.

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