Thursday 26 January 2012

Christmas Tutti Fruti - Bottle B3, 22nd January 2012

This wine is so good that it needs to be saved for special occasions. Tonight was one such. I played in a 'Classical Spectacular' (rubbish title!) concert in Saltaire, with the Airedale Symphony Orchestra - lots of familiar and entertaining pieces to pull the crowds in. We played the 1812, Night on a Bare Mountain, Dance of the Hours - that sort of thing. The tactic worked; the house was full and it was standing room only. Best of all, Quin came. He has not seen me play bassoon before and the orchestra played well.

Back at our house we ate venison sausage casserole and a steamed ginger pudding, drinking Christmas Tutti Fruti from the wine glasses shipped over from Nebraska by my grandmother, Quin's mother, as a wedding present. It has been a wonderful day.

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