Monday 14 November 2011

Strawberry - Bottle 3, 12th November 2011

Strawberry wine was always going to be a popular wine at the Book Launch. Whilst I was setting up (and waiting for the books) I opened this and gave Ros a glass. By the end of the event, the bottle was more than half gone and I left the remainder with Ros as a 'thank you' for hosting the event. Maybe I should get her some flowers too.

It was a terrific afternoon. I think I sold 45 books (though Judith bought ten, and Mom another four) and the shop was stuffed with people I knew - most of whom appear in the Book. Being centre of attention, next to eating cake, is one of my very favourite things and, a day later, I still buzz.

In the book shop with Ros at the end of the Launch


  1. Forty five book is incredible Ben! Well done!

    Is the GLP site down? Its not loading for me!

    Great article!

  2. Congratulations on the book sales! I so hope to make strawberry wine next year. It sounds wonderful.

  3. Thank you Dave and Jane. Strawberry wine is wonderful - it has only gone disasterously wrong once (the story of which appears in the book).

    Dave - I got your message just as I was dashing off to an orchestra rehearsal, so didn't have time to reply. I couldn't get on the GLP site at all yesterday. See Facebook for an explanation (if you are on FB). And thank you about the article - photograph of toilet and all.

  4. Thanks for letting me know about the GLP Facebook info.

    The Yorkshire Post article was excellent!

    I think I have just entered the twilight zone Ben. Pop over to Amazon books and have a look at: Hugh Johnson's Pocket Wine Book. I thought they had pinched your book cover!

    I still haven't managed to get a copy of your book! Had the same trouble last year with my book.
