Monday 7 November 2011

My Fifteen Minutes of Fame ...

This is a quick break to my normal posting, but I have just been on BBC Radio Leeds, and the link is here. I suspect this is only available to those in the UK, but I may be wrong - and it is only available until 14 November. My bit starts at 1:45:30 through.


  1. Ooh! Just had a listen! You old pro, you! (in the nicest possible sense!) Good luck with the book signing! By the by, sink miraculously unblocked. So much of the world is a mystery...

  2. Just listened to your performance on the radio.

    Wes Butters was lucky to have you.

    Blackberry and Pumpkin - like strong port and broth - mmm. Ship me a bottle of each immediately.

    How did the book signing go and how many copies have you sold so far?

    Very much admiring your achievements at the mo!

