Thursday 3 November 2011

Elderberry - Bottle A6, 30th October - 1st November 2011

There is currently no law about the amount one may drink before playing the bassoon. This is a Good Thing. On Sunday night I was playing nonets in Guiseley, but was driven by Madeleine, so I took the opportunity to have a glass and a half with our meal of lamb & chick pea stew. This left enough in the bottle for the wine to act as a prop for a photo that may appear in next Wednesday's Yorkshire Post. I was being interviewed as publicity for the Book, and the photographer had me kneeling in front of the table, gazing adoringly at a glass of wine. Which sounds like an ordinary Saturday night in. As it was not yet eleven in the morning, I poured the glass back into the bottle. One has standards, after all. I did, however, press a thimblefull of wine on both the reporter and the photographer, and they declared it 'tasty'.

My final glass was after orchestra on Monday, where we rehearsed Bill Kinghorn's violin concerto with the soloist. It has difficult 5/8 and 7/8 rhythyms which mostly I just guess. Claire finished the bottle while I was in Ilkley.


I must put in a quick word for Jack Keller and his wine blog. He was kind enough to advertise my blog, and since then, the number of visitors to this blog has pretty much tripled. So, thank you Jack. You are a gent. And you have a blog that is interesting, useful and fun.


  1. When are you starting brewing good old fashioned bitter Ben?

    Are you reading from your book at the signing?

    I wish you lots of luck!

  2. I may try the bitter this month. Possibly. I need help from my siblings-in-law with that. And I am not planning on reading from the book at the launch. Has yours arrived yet? Thanks for the 'lots of luck'. I shall report back on my other blog after it has all happened.

  3. Go on Ben start brewing bitter for Christmas.

    You have got to read them the piece about the "lost keys" Ben.

    Everybody in Internet land is thinking:

    "What's that about?"

    They will have to buy your book won't they?

    I still haven't got your book. I will check again today. Have you been into Waterstones and told them about your book? Ask them to buy one for every store.

    Why not go on your own book signing tour?
