Sunday 2 October 2011

Blackberry - Bottle B3, 30th September - 1st October 2011

We have had a purposively sober week, after drinking far too much during our week's holiday. Being out every night but Friday helped. Ordinarily I would have opened this bottle within minutes of getting home from work, but I had a floppy gin & tonic instead and waited for Claire to finish her viola playing. During which time I tidied - our front room looked like the aftermath of a raucous student party.

We drank most of the bottle to the penultimate episode of Doctor Who - which involved cybermen. The last drop was finished tonight after we came back from Opera North's excellent (but eye-wateringly expensive) production of Ruddigore. Gilbert & Sullivan at its joyful best.


  1. Popping in to wish you every success with the new book.

    Winemaking postponed here until the house is in order, but I'll certainly be keeping tabs on your adventures for future reference. :)

  2. Many thanks - it is all quite exciting. I'm not absolutely sure when it hits the shops, but possibly as soon as this week. Keep reading the blog!
