Monday 22 August 2011

Hawthorn Blossom - Bottle 5, 20th August 2011

We are up in Newcastle staying with Sooz. Today's entertainment has been a lesson in how to brew beer. This is, perhaps, not a great idea - bearing in mind the extent to which making wine has taken over my life (and the house).

Sooz took me to 'The Elderberry Home Brew Centre' in Whitley Bay, where we met Andrew. There, the owner - a garrulous Australian - talked me through the basics, but in a baffling, scientific way. Sooz was much clearer back at her flat, boiling stuff and putting it in a bucket. During this process I opened this bottle of Hawthorn Blossom, but decided it was not one of my greatest. Andrew, who took a glass home (he was driving) has just texted in his report:

"Wine improved lots for breathing, smooth but still faintly meady. Perfectly drinkable though [smiley face]."

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