Monday 8 August 2011

Blackberry - Bottle B5, 5th August 2011

Friday was the last proper day of holiday at Rydal Hall. And what a grand holiday it has been. We have played eight symphonies, eight overtures (including 'The William Tell' no less than three times) and
innumerable pieces of lighter music. I have been on three long walks and played one and a half games of croquet. And I have eaten more food than seems decent.

I saved the Blackberry Wine for the last night and it was ever so slightly disappointing. It was Good rather than Exceptional. Maybe it needs more maturation time. But the last night was a riot of quizzes and party games. Watching twelve people play 'Monkey Trombone' (which is similar to 'Paper Scissors Stone' but on a grander, sillier scale) was the most fun I have had for a long time. Until I saw a vicar do his Dolly Parton impression.

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