Thursday 21 July 2011

Redcurrant - Bottle A1, 19th-21st July 2011

There is something that says 'Dead Mouse' to me about this wine. For approximately seven nano-seconds I get a fine, sharp redcurrant taste and then the experience decays into rank mustiness. So, not my best ever wine, then.

Over the three days this bottle has been open I have developed a hypothesis that I am allergic to Handel. Or possibly Vivaldi. Last week I came home from WYSO with a headache. This week I came home from WYSO with a headache. Both nights we played Handel, in preparation for Sunday's swimming baths concert. Only those who do not believe in conspiracy theories could argue that this was a coincidence.


  1. Hi Ben,

    Oh dear, shame about the redcurrant wine! Any idea what the problem was? Is it something to do with the state of the currants or in the process.....or does redcurrant wine generally taste like dead mouse?!! Perhaps the other bottles will be better with a bit of age. Would be useful to get some tips from you but I don't think it'll be one I'll be rushing to try my hand at in the near future.

  2. Hello there. No idea what went wrong at all. Redcurrant 2009 was delicious, and I am trying again this year. I suspect age will do nothing at all beneficial. Now if you have loads of blackcurrants, definitely give that one a go.

  3. Looks like I'm going to have to get my fruit cage up and running so I can grow blackcurrants! The elder tree at work is going to produce a lot of berries again this year so I think I'll make that again later this year. Good luck with the redcurrant!
