Sunday 10 July 2011

Blackcurrant - Bottle 6, 9th July 2011

I wanted something special to drink tonight, and this bottle fulfilled its function fabulously. We have just played 'The Hebrides Overture', Elgar's Cello Concerto and Beethoven's 7th. I say 'just' but the concert finished over two hours ago. It takes some coming down from - hence the bottle of wine. The concert was, on the whole, really rather good. I was note perfect in the Mendelssohn, which rarely happens, and only made a couple of errors in the other pieces. My lip died on the last page of the Symphony, but because it is a loud, brash piece - particularly the final movement - this did not matter.

The wine is delicious; packed with fruit. It has a sharp, bracing taste and will mostly be brought out on celebratory occasions. But it is now approaching midnight and (finally) I must sleep

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