Wednesday 15 June 2011

Other Wine Jobs over the last 10 days or so ...

5th June 2011 - I racked my Dandelion wine. It had cleared entirely and was a pleasing yellow. I racked it far earlier than I normally would have done, but I have begun to suspect that the musty taste in my homebrew is caused by leaving it too long on its sediment. The taste was more promising than any but my first Dandelion. I added three-quarters of a pint of water and 4 oz sugar.

10th June 2011 - I bottled my Hedgerow wine, on the Feast of St Ithamar after 11 p.m. . The evening was spent in Harrogate playing quintets in anticipation of Saturday's concert in Killinghall, hence the late hour. The wine's taste is rather good. Lots of currant, quite dry and with a bit of body to it. I think it needs time to age.

11th June 2011 - I bottled my Sloe wine. It is still clear, and an attractive light red. The two sips I got (rather than my usual full glass because of the drive to Killinghall that followed) were dry and thin. So, disappointing without being nasty.


  1. Hello Cousin,
    You've read Ray Bradbury's book Dandelion Wine, yes?

  2. Hello Lynn - how lovely that you have found my blog. Curiously I have not read Dandelion Wine, but I found out about it a couple of months ago, and was given it last week for my birthday. So it is by my bed, so far unopened, and I look forward to it mightily. Ray Bradbury was the first author for adults that I ever read.

    I have read 'Blackberry Wine' by Joanne Harris - which was okay - diverting, but not much more.
