Friday 3 June 2011

Elderflower - Bottle B6, 2nd-3rd June 2011

In anticipation of foraging for elderflowers tomorrow, I opened this bottle last night. Claire is on holiday this week and gave a pint of blood for the first time yesterday. Actually, she reckons she gave rather less and was timed out. But as the nurses gave no dire warning about drinking alcohol, I thought it would be safe to open this. I cooked a fish pie to go with it, and very nice it was too.

We have finished the wine this early evening, mostly inspecting our garden. It is currently glorious weather - real 'height of summer' heat - and it is lovely inspecting roses, a glass of elderflower wine in hand, feeling just that little bit unsteady.

PS Hello both Israel and Germany - delighted you are reading my blog!

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