Friday 20 May 2011

Crab Apple - Bottle B1, 17th-19th May 2011

Claire is drinking the last glass from this bottle and eating her own version of Scooby Snacks (which is actually addictive Bombay Mix) as I write. And now the cats are having a tussle on the bed. Oh, the excitement of a Thursday night in suburban Leeds.

This Crab Apple has been particularly tasty - sharp, fresh, and just a little bit zingy. We have drunk a glass each after various orchestra rehearsals. Tuesday's Sibelius was sounding ropy, and the concert is on Sunday. Yikes. Wednesday was my first day back at Brooke North, and it is a different firm to the one I left: smaller and tighter. Orchestra that night was a new piece - 'Alice on the Beach' by Philip Henderson - and very promising it was too.

Claire has now finished her Scooby Snacks, and I must sleep.

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