Thursday 28 April 2011

Hawthorn Blossom - Bottle 6, 26th - 28th April 2011

There is a vague taste of banana to this wine. Which is odd, as no bananas were injured during its making. If one concentrates, lemon is also detectable, and that is more understandable. The wine is by no means unpleasant, but is unlikely to set the world alight. Definitely a mid-week bottle, akin to an uninteresting shop-bought white.

I opened it on Tuesday - a day which even this close fades into anonymity. I think I spent some of it reading 'The Lacuna' by Barbara Kingsolver, which took a little getting into, but is beautifully written. We each had a glass after orchestra last night (more Beethoven 7) and I am now finishing it, after a day which has seen me interviewed for a job in Wakefield. The drive over saw a stack of hawthorn blossom in the hedgerows - already, and it is still April. It is likely I shall start work as a locum property lawyer there (Wakefield, rather than the hedgerows specifically) in a fortnight.


  1. Good luck with the job. I live in Wakefield and have been surprised by how "in bloom" everywhere is. Hope it stays this nice for the summer

  2. Thanks for that. I don't think I have seen May blossom this early before. I can predict confidently that it will rain the week I go to the Lake District - but that is mid-summer, so not for a while.
