Saturday 18 January 2020

Getting Back On The Horse...

If you are anything other than an one-off visitor, you will have noticed that I have basically stopped blogging. There is a reason for this. In November last year, I was issued with a bill for breach of copyright, for using photos that were not mine. I actually think this is fair enough and don't defend my use of pictures (you may notice that there are very many fewer pictures illustrating my blog posts than previously - it took me 8 hours to get rid of them). However, I have been shaken by this: in total (including legal fees) this cost me just under £3,000. It has been a miserable experience and one I do not wish to repeat. Any pictures I now use will be taken by me (or a friend), but I don't quite feel ready to start over again. If you do happen to spot a blog post with a picture that looks like I may not have taken it, please draw it to my attention. I think I have got them all, but I'm not absolutely sure.

I hope that in the not too distant future, normal service will be resumed.