Thursday 14 November 2019

Blackberry Wine - Second Bottle (A5), 3rd November 2019

It is unusual for my blackberry wine to taste like real red wine, but this bottle gave a good impression of it. There was a richness and depth that I don't associate with Bramble Wine. We drank it to a Chinese beef and red pepper dish - we ate and drank well on Sunday night.

The day was spent starting the tidying process for the Wine Party on Saturday. I would love to be one of those people who can effortlessly keep their house in order and clean. At the age of 49-and-a-third, I think it is time to admit defeat.

Friday 8 November 2019

Halloween Wine - First Bottle (4), 2nd November 2019

I had meant to open this wine on All Hallows' Eve. It wasn't until two nights later that I remembered. But I was out playing quintets at Madeleine's on Thursday once the Trick or Treaters had trickled, so that was a wine-free night.

I had expected the chilli that I used in this wine to be undetectable. In fact, there was both a chilli taste and a subtle heat to the wine making it one of my more interesting brews. It is drier than most my reds and I would have preferred it just a tad sweeter. Lots of fruity taste, though, with not one dominating.

If you want to see how I made this wine, click here.

Thursday 7 November 2019

Orange Wine - Eleventh Bottle (A3), 27th October 2019

Claire cooked a paella on Sunday night and thought orange wine would suit it best. It was a good thought: the sharp orange flavours complement rather than overpower the sea food in paella.

Earlier in the day I took advantage of the dry autumn weather and went for a walk around Meanwood Park: not as popular as Roundhay Park and without the showcase lake, but just as beautiful. Then in the evening we watched Chicago, which is an excellent film. Not in the same league as Cabaret, but then what is?

Autumn in Meanwood Park

Tuesday 5 November 2019

Apple & Strawberry Wine - Sixth Bottle (1), 26th October 2019

It is unlikely that I could get any more middle class. Last night I went to a Yotam Ottolenghi themed dinner party.

Liz cooked up a feast where every dish came for her Ottolenghi cook book: so we had dishes of butter beans blitzed with roasted red peppers and cumin, chicken cooked with green olives & figs and many more besides. All utterly delicious and I ate far too much - having seconds of most things including the pudding. This meant I slept badly.

I took my last bottle of Apple & Strawberry Wine as it is one of my best. Shockingly, it went unopened and we had to make do with rather expensive wine made from grapes, including a Greek white, a Chilean red and something sparkling from Swillington.